A rebooted Disney show about a Black family called The Proud Family is under scrutiny for going from a “funny cartoon sitcom” to the “Woke Era.” The show, currently available on Disney + includes claims such as “this country was built on slavery, which means slaves built this country” as well as protests over a statue and clashes with police.
Rob Smith tweeted a clip of the show highlighting progressive young students. “When The Proud Family was made 15 years ago, it was a sweet, funny cartoon sitcom about a Black family” Smith wrote. “Rebooted by Disney + in the Woke Era it is now…this. (The reboot also features an interracial gay couple with a child…why?)” his tweet continued.
When The Proud Family was made 15 years ago, it was a sweet, funny cartoon sitcom about a Black family.
Rebooted by Disney+ in the Woke Era it is now…this.
(The reboot also features an interracial gay couple with a child…why?)pic.twitter.com/c3If4yS6FX
— Rob Smith (@robsmithonline) February 3, 2023
The show’s reboot changed the title of the show to “The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder.” National Desk published some of the content, including a Juneteenth episode which includes a protest over a statue, clashes with police and the statement America was founded on “systemic prejudice, racism and white supremacy.”
The episode shows a scary interaction between children protesting a statue and a law enforcement force showing up to brutalize the kids. One white character who is also law enforcement is told to “use his white privilege” to do something. Police trample over him and his badge to get to the children regardless.
Additionally in the episode, characters state “slaves built this country” and therefore descendants have “earned” and “continue to earn” reparations. The characters say they have “earned reparations for their suffering and continue to earn reparations every moment [they] spend submerged in the systemic prejudice, racism and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for.”